What is a "Cinema Camera"? // Canon C70 Review feat. Sawyer Hartman

In which I muse on what makes a “true” cinema camera, review the C70, and talk to Sawyer Hartman about what the camera does for him.
Full Post Here :: https://www.provideocoalition.com/canon-c70-review/

0:00 - Defining a "Cinema Camera"
6:45 - Is the C70 a "Cinema Camera"?
8:09 - C70 Review Start
8:46 - Example Footage
9:54 - Lenses and Stuff
11:31 - Cat Tax
12:04 - Review Continues
19:12 - Sawyer Hartman Interview
32:31 - Final Thoughts

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Shot/Cut by Kenny McMillan
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#CanonC70 #SawyerHartman #CinemaCamera